
Casa Latina has good food and good music.

Jeff and I played at Casa Latina this past Friday. It was great, we had fun and we able to interact with the audience. It’s background music yes, but sometimes we are graced with great audiences there and it’s normal for us to talk between songs and interact with Casa Latina’s patrons. Not sure when […]

What a great weekend!!

So the Latin Festival on Saturday afternoon went off well. We went on over an hour late but it was still awesome. The sun was out and people were having a great time. The band played great!! Thanks Jeff, Ramiro and Rob.

Then we played at the Artesian, opening up for La Solucion. Check out […]

Summer’s here!!! I think…

According to the calendar, summer is here. If you go outside, it’s a different story.

The band has been busy with numerous shows over the past few months and they’re still coming in for the summer. Hopefully the weather kicks in and we have some nice days for our upcoming outdoor performances.

July 9th:


Up and Running!

The Ben Winoski Project website is up and running. It will take me a few days to get things in order around here but I’ll be adding some upcomming dates, links, more info on the band and pictures.

Here’s some quick dates for now:

Casa Latina Restaurant Friday May 20th 7:00PM Bushwakker Brewpub Thursday […]

New site

New site for The Ben Winoski Project is on its way! 🙂